Having joined the team at VRPlayin since its inception in April 2017 Aurelian is a true educator of immersive technologies. Somewhat of a swiss army knife, you may see him guiding users through their first VR experience, communicating with content developers, or sharing blog posts. He is your go-to person to talk about XR tech. "Breathe, Eat, Sleep XR!"
A rare gem hidden in our catalog is Modbox. For some, Modbox is a game, for others in the VR world, it’s a tool. But whether it’s used for playing a game or building one, with a 91% approval rating on Steam, its strength may be the dedicated community behind it, which is important when…
Sometimes to assess new technology you have to consider what’s familiar first. But by thinking about simple human movement when playing Cloudlands, a VR mini-golf experience, you can begin to understand the marvelous power of VR and how it can change the perception of something as simple as hitting a ball with a stick.
The future! It’s so cool that people need reminders of the past. And how else to honor our violent past and its glorious architecture than to jump into anti-gravity suits and shoot each other mid-air in ancient countries! This entry in the multiplayer content series will tackle Skyfront, a 10 player arena shooter that to…
One cannot deny the success of escape rooms as an engaging team building activity and group bonding experience. As part of our ongoing content series, this post will go through Tales of Escape and point out why it is an excellent experience that can surpass the average escape room through the sheer size of the…
The future is now! Or so we’ve been saying for years. But of course if you want to believe that the distant future is a dystopian hole we’ve fallen into thanks to the technological utopia we’ve created, well then yes, the future is now!
This week we’re going back in time to an adventure to the wild wild west! Back to a time when Cowbots fired their rayguns with deadly accuracy and spilling a drink can get you punched by an angry blue Alien.
Art therapy is an amazing way to express yourself creatively, something that can help deal with stress, manage your feelings and even give you a new perspective on life. This week as part of the ongoing Multiplayer Content Series we will be talking about MasterpieceVR, developed by an amazing team in Ottawa, Canada.
As a kid growing up in Eastern Europe, I had the cliche dream of becoming an Astronaut in a country with no space program at the time. Yet as time passed and Hollywood action movies made their way into the country, I became fascinated with the likes of Bruce Lee, Jean Claude Van Damme, Jackie…
Greetings brave adventurer! Today we form a party that will venture forth into mystical realms and push back the forces of evil that have shattered a once beautiful world! That’s right. Continuing with our multiplayer content series, this week we dive into the world of Trickster and get Medieval on some orcs!
Due to the novelty of VR, those who are building games for it often come from the gaming world and as such tend to think in traditional game design. Though this has led to amazing experiences, innovation is usually minimal; people don’t risk doing something wildly different all that often, and that’s what I admire…